Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Sapphire (left) and Robyn my sister. I love photographing best friends!

And Front page goes to.....

That’s right, the Vancouver Mounted Police Squad.
While I was in Stanley Park, I whipped over to the stables to shoot the 100th anniversary of the Squad. They entertained the crowds, demonstrating how these absolutely stunning horses are able to handle riot situations. These horses are seriously lean, mean, riot controlling machines and to be honest, the horses get a kick out being enforcers.

Our Premier and local MPs made an appearance at the Partnership Walk in Stanley Park.

2 EAT! Vancouver businesses. The hottest hot sauce form Africa (left) ( I wouldn't even try it because it came in a vile) and Gormet Sauces (right

More Chefs - Don Letendre ( left) and Remi DuBois (right)

Aurelia Berleri, head chef for Hell's Kitchen on West 4th in Vancouver.

I had a great day with chef portraiture. Each chef had a crazy stories to tell, coming from a variety of backgrounds and education... but one thing they had in common was incredible food! Aurelia had no formal chef training... she started as a dishwasher and worked her way up the chain to Kitchen Commander. She has introduced Hell's Kitchen to her family's Mediterranean recipes and made them a hit.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Some of the 30 products I shot at different stores all over Vancouver - 2nd Day

My first day shooting at 24hrs Vancouver newspaper... was the same day as my interview. I met my editor early in the morning and he looked over a few photos and told me I'd be starting the next day.. for three consecutive Fridays. I promptly returned back to Langley and purchased a white satin sheet to use as economical reflector. As I pulled into the driveway of my house, I received a call. A JOB. I was to shoot a clothing designer and movie star at Bollywood - Si an (east meets west trendy East Indian designer clothing shop) and an East Indian movie star on my first day in the most impossible conditions. I had not even 5 minutes, in an unfinished building with tv light setups everywhere and hardly any avail light. I have never sweat so hard photographing in my life. What a test.So here he is... the Bollywood star himself , Suneil Shelly, beside some fabulous Crossover Bollywood - Si clothing.

Second Crack at Blogging

Alright, this is it!

I have finally decided that the best way to post and write daily about my experiences in life is through blogging. I'll leave my formal portfolio on my website but I would like to post regularly on a blog such as this so that I can express feelings, thoughts and random blabber day to day.

So here it goes.